ACBL Tourney Page Link
Start Date June 2, 2024
End Date June 8, 2024
Unit 124
District 11
Location Cincinnati
Type Regional
Edit Tourney Make Tourney

ACBL Official Table Count was - None Total Players at this tournament 144

List of Events Held at the Tourney
Game Session Session Type Tables
Jun 02, 2024 - Sunday 12:00 pm Open Bracketed Teams 2 8.0
Jun 02, 2024 - Sunday 4:00 pm Gold Rush Pairs 8.0
Jun 02, 2024 - Sunday 4:00 pm Open Pairs 11.0
Jun 02, 2024 - Sunday 12:00 pm Open Bracketed Teams 1 6.0
Jun 02, 2024 - Sunday 12:00 pm Gold Rush Pairs 9.0
Jun 02, 2024 - Sunday 12:00 pm Open Pairs 13.0

Unofficial Table Count based on event totals posted online was 69.0
Note if this is different than ACBL Table Count most likely due to either knockout events or side series not listed as excepted on ACBL Live